Product Overview
PODD Communication Books (1 User) for Mind Express 5 Web License
By Gayle Porter and Jabbla
Requires Mind Express 5 with PCS symbols permanent or yearly subscription (1 User) web license.
About: PODD Communication Books
The PODD communication book Direct Access Templates resource includes PODD communication books designed for direct pointing with a whole hand, finger or tool. Some of these page sets can also be modified to accommodate pick up and give/show or partner-assisted visual scanning access methodologies. These communication books are available with varied and scalable levels of linguistic complexity to support language development and meet the motor, visual, and language needs of each user.
PODD communication books come in three main forms:
1. One page opening
2. Two page opening
3. Two page opening plus a side panel
PODD books also include Group books, designed for communication partners to talk to groups of children learning to use aided language. There are two versions of Group books: Vest version and Book version.
Detailed information and construction files for each access methodology are included with the relevant page sets. These support files can be accessed directly from each template and are also listed below:
PODD 9 Early Functions
- Information 9 early functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-early functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-early functions Pick up and give show A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-early functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 9 Expanded Functions
- Information 9 expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-expanded functions pick up&give A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 9 per page-expanded functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 12 Early Functions
- Information 12 early functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-early functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-early functions pick up&give A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-early functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 12 Expanded Functions
- Information 12 expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-expanded functions pick up&give A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 12 per page-expanded functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 16 Expanded Functions
- Information 16 expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 16 per page-expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 16 per page-expanded functions pick up&give A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 16 per page-expanded functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 20 Expanded Functions
- Information 20 expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 20 per page-expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 20 per page-expanded functions scan A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 36 expanded Key Word
- Information 36 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 36 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 40 expanded Key Word
- Information 40 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 40 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 48 expanded Key Word
- Information 48 expanded key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 48 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 70 expanded Key Word
- Information 70 expanded key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 70 key word A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 90 Plus Complex Syntax
- Information 90 plus complex syntax A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 90 plus complex syntax navigation index A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 90 plus complex syntax with side panel A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD 100 Plus Complex Syntax
- Information 100 plus complex syntax A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Construction 100 Plus Complex Syntax A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
PODD Group Books
- Information Group book expanded functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- Information group early functions A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- A4 Construction Group Early functions BOOK A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- A4 Construction Group Early functions VEST A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- A4 Construction Group Expanded functions BOOK A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
- A4 Construction Group Expanded functions VEST A4 (AUS/UK) -or- Letter (US/Canada)
What is needed to run this pageset?
A license to activate the PODD Communication Books pageset by Gayle Porter and Jabbla in Mind Express 5 with PCS symbols.
Hardware Requirements:
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows® 10 or higher
- Processor: Intel x86 compatible
- RAM: 2GB or more
- Free Hard Disk Space: 2GB or more
- Printer
Software Requirements:
- Mind Express 5 with PCS symbols permanent or yearly subscription (1 User) web license
Other Requirements:
- You will need to submit your Mind Express 5 serial number from the Menu > Help to purchase a PODD Communication Books license.
- The Windows 10 or higher PC will need to have access to the Internet or World Wide Web to be able to properly activate the single user PODD Communication Books pagesets license in Mind Express 5.
License Info:
- This license will allow you to activate PODD Communication Books pagesets in a Mind Express 5 permanent or yearly subscription (1 user) web license for 2 concurrent users.
- It will take approximately one to three business days to receive a PODD Communication Books single user license confirmation activation email after purchasing it from this website.
- This license is only for PODD Communication Books Mind Express 5 pagesets, not Mind Express 5.
How to find the serial number in Mind Express 5:
- Launch and sign in to Mind Express 5 on your Windows 10 or higher PC.
- Choose a user in Mind Express 5.
- Select Menu > Help in Mind Express 5.
- The serial number for Mind Express 5 will appear in the Help window. The serial number will begin with ME.
How to verify your PODD Communication Books single user license has been activated in a Mind Express 5 web license after purchase:
- Launch and sign into Mind Express 5 on your Windows 10 or higher PC with access to the Internet. (Note: You need to sign in to Mind Express 5 with the same serial number that you entered to purchase PODD Communication Books on this website.)
- Choose a user in Mind Express 5.
- Select Menu > Settings > System > License in Mind Express 5.
- In License information, Activated pagesets should include PODD-books.
How to import PODD Communication Books page set into Mind Express 5:
- Launch and sign into Mind Express 5 on your Windows 10 or higher PC with access to the Internet. (Note: You need to sign in to Mind Express 5 with the same serial number that you entered to purchase PODD Communication Books on this website.)
- Choose a user in Mind Express 5.
- Select Menu > Import.
- Click Online pagesets in the Import screen.
- Perform a search for PODD Communication Books in the Online pagesets screen and scroll down or up on the list until you find the PODD Communication Books pageset that you want to import into the current Mind Express 5 user.
- Select the PODD Communication Books pageset that you want to import into the current Mind Express 5 user and click Import.
Important Notes:
- It usually takes one to three business days to receive a PODD Communication Books activation confirmation email after purchasing it.
- This license is only for PODD Communication Books pagesets, not Mind Express 5.
- You must own Mind Express 5 with PCS symbols to use this product.
- Do not try to purchase a PODD Communication Books single user license without a valid Mind Express 5 serial number.
Software Return Policy:
- There are no refunds or returns for software after it has been downloaded and activated. In most cases, there are no refunds or returns for software after it has been purchased.
Software License Agreement:
- This License Agreement (“License”) authorizes you to use one copy of the accompanying software PODD Direct Access Communication Files (hereinafter referred to as “SOFTWARE”) on the computer of your choice, provided that the SOFTWARE is only used on one computer at a time. The SOFTWARE is “in use” on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g. hard disk, CD-ROM or other storage device) of that computer. Only the authorized number of individual computers should have access to a copy of the SOFTWARE installed on a network server. If the SOFTWARE is permanently installed on a computer's hard drive or other storage device of a computer (other than a network server) and only one person is using that computer more than 80% of the time the computer is used, then that person may also use the SOFTWARE on a laptop or home computer.
- You may print one copy of the book, “Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display Communication Books”, by Gayle Porter (2007) and the “Additional Vocabulary Ideas” resources. The templates included in the resources can be copied into a hard disk or other storage device for customization, storage and printing to produce pragmatic organization dynamic display (PODD) communication books for the CLIENT GROUP OF THE OWNER OF THE SOFTWARE. The CLIENT GROUP OF THE OWNER OF THE SOFTWARE refers to the children, students, patients or clients who attend the center, school or hospital, or are on the regular caseload of a therapist or teacher who has purchased this SOFTWARE. Personal purchasers of this SOFTWARE may also use it to produce PODD communication books for members of their family.
- Copying the SOFTWARE for use across an entire organization, school or hospital system or contracting to outside agencies or clients to produce communication books using this SOFTWARE is not allowed under this license agreement. Organizations wanting to use the Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display Direct Access Template software to produce communication books for clients from multiple agencies or receive payment for the production of the communication books should contact the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre ( to negotiate an alternative licensing agreement.
Other Restrictions:
- You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer your rights under this License Agreement on a permanent basis provided you transfer this License Agreement, the SOFTWARE and all accompanying materials and retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. Any transfer of the SOFTWARE must include the most recent update and all prior versions.